Chief cook / Pääkokki
Positive and service minded crew wanted for work onboard!
Haemme iloiseen tiimiimme pääkokkia M/S Finbo Cargo laivalle. Kokkimme huolehtivat sekä matkustajien että miehistön ruokatarjoilusta laivalla, joten tässä on loistava tilaisuus kattavaan keittiötyöhön! Pääkokki vastaa menusuunnittelusta ja reseptiikasta (asiakkaille ja miehistölle) yhtiön yhteisten ohjeiden mukaisesti yhteistyössä kokkien kanssa sekä resepti- ja valmistusohjeiden välittämisestä keittiöhenkilökunnalle. Tehtävään kuuluvat myös ruokatilaukset, toimitusten vastaanotto ja tarkastus, oikeaoppinen varastointi ja omavalvonta.
Tulet viihtymään kanssamme, jos olet ahkera ja pidät nopeatempoisesta työstä, nautit merellisestä ympäristöstä ja asiakaspalvelusta. Oikea asenne, pilke silmänkulmassa ja halu oppia uutta ovat meille tärkeitä. Jos olet kiinnostunut työstä merinäköalalla, hae meille!
Tehtävässä vaaditaan laivakokin pätevyyttä. Laivatyö edellyttää lisäksi voimassa olevaa passia /kansainvälistä ID-korttia ja 18 vuoden ikää. Lisäksi merimieslääkärintodistus on pakollinen koko merimiehistölle, sellaisen voi hankkia Merimiesterveyskeskuksesta. Lue lisää:
Arvostamme hyvää kielitaitoa (erityisesti englanti, suomi, viro). Virallinen työ- ja turvallisuuskieli laivalla on englanti.
Laivalla tehdään vuorottelutyötä siten, että jokaista laivatyövuoroa seuraa yhtä pitkä palkallinen vapaajakso (esimerkiksi 1 viikko laivalla ja 1 viikko vapaalla).
Sovellamme huumetestauskäytäntöä uusille työntekijöille ja luottotiedot tarkistetaan tehtävään valitulta henkilöltä.
Oletko kiinnostunut?
Lataa hakemuksesi ansioluetteloineen viipymättä. Haastattelut aloitetaan jo hakuaikana, joten toimi nopeasti! Hakuaika päättyy 9.2.2025.
We are hiring a Chief cook for onboard duty on M/S Finbo Cargo. Our cooks handle both passenger and crew catering onboard, so here's a great opportunity for comprehensive kitchen work! The chief cook is responsible for menu planning and recipes (customers and crew) according to the company's common instructions, in cooperation with the cooks and for communicating recipe and preparation instructions to the kitchen staff. The task also include food orders, receiving and checking deliveries, correct storing and self-monitoring.
You'll enjoy working with us if you are diligent and like fast paced work, enjoy maritime surroundings and customer service. The right attitude, a twinkle in the eye and enthusiasm to learn new things are important to us. If you are interested in a job with a sea view, apply to us!
The position requires ship's cook certification. A passport or international ID-card is needed and a minimum of 18 years of age. In addition, a seafarer's medical certificate is mandatory for all sea crew, this can be obtained in advance at a Seafarer's health center. Read more:
We appreciate good language skills (especially English, Finnish, Estonian). The official working and safety language onboard is English.
Work onboard is normally rotated in shifts, so that each working shift onboard is followed by an equally long free period (for example 1 week onboard and 1 week off).
We apply a drug testing practice for new employees and credit information is checked for the person selected for this position.
Are you interested?
Please upload your application and CV without delay. Interviews will start during the application period, so act fast! Deadline for applications is 9.2.2025.
Who are we?
Eckerö Line is a Finnish shipping company. Our ships M/S Finlandia and M/S Finbo Cargo operate between Helsinki and Tallinn every day. We employ nearly 550 persons on shore and onboard.
Eckerö Line provides travel packages, shop and restaurant services, conference and group products as well as cargo transportation. In spite of large passenger numbers, we want to provide an individual travel experience to all our passengers. Our customers are always at the heart of what we do and responsibility and safety are the corner stones of our business.
In accordance with our values working at Eckerö Line is joyful and positive. We are sensible, fair and caring, and we have a forward looking can-do attitude, with our focus at new possibilities and continuous improvement and development. Eckerö Line has a Great Place to Work certificate.
According to our crew surveys Eckerö Line is a fun and equal workplace where everyone can be themselves and people care about each other.
What we offer
As an Eckerö Line employee you have:
- Interesting and versatile tasks in a lively environment with international customers and traffic
- Nice and fair, committed colleagues in Helsinki, Tallinn and onboard
- Unique benefits like special priced voyages and services on board as well as discounts in Eckerö Line's shops.
- Comprehensive occupational health care and occupational and leisure accident insurance.
- Our team
- HOSPITALITY - M/S Finbo Cargo
- Locations
- M/S Finbo Cargo, Vuosaari, Helsinki
M/S Finbo Cargo, Vuosaari, Helsinki
Succeeding together
At Eckerö Line we appreciate that at the foundation for our business is a professional and prosperous crew.
By providing an enabling and encouraging working environment we hope to maintain well being and engagement among our crew.
Working at Eckerö Line is never boring, there is always something going on and somebody to interact with. Our familiar and happy atmosphere among both customers and crew makes it easy to enjoy working together.
About Eckerö Line
Eckerö Line operates ferry services between Helsinki / Finland and Tallinn / Estonia, with focus on both passengers and cargo.
Our aim is to offer the most comfortable voyage on the route and to be the best workplace of the Baltic Sea!
Chief cook / Pääkokki
Positive and service minded crew wanted for work onboard!
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